L1536 : Classic Bracelet : Black Rutile (5mm)

RM 88.00

Black Rutilated Quartz a powerful stone for depression or any kind of life trauma. Helps you accept challenges as it opens new ways to live. Inspires you to leave or remove anything that no longer serves you. This sacred stone dissolves negative energies.

Black rutilated quartz is generally considered quite rare. This is because it’s found in a narrow range of locations and these are few and far between. It can be mined from certain places. These deposits tend to be very small and don’t produce large amounts of stone.

* Earrings are made using s925 silver/ 24k gold plated or stainless steel finishing, hence it is suitable for sensitive ears as it's nickel free.

* Please note: Each pieces of crystal may vary slightly in size, appearance, grain & colour as our crystals are natural element & hand crafted.

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